Catching Up With Things

It seems to have been a busy year so far, and I’ve done a whole pile of things that I really should have written up here but never got around to. Most of the interesting ones are about the on-line MMO, Glitch, which I’ve been playing since alpha. It finally went live a couple of months ago, and is now fully open for business. The company behind the game is Tiny Speck, the founders of which were all core Flickr folk. If you haven’t tried Glitch yet, it’s well worth a look.

One of the really interesting things about Glitch is that it has an API. The API is fairly limited right now, but you can already do a fair few interesting things with it. With the help of geekybird, I’ve been putting together a bunch of useful Gltich-related tools which you can find at my new website, Startling Fecundity. Currently, there’s an inventory viewer, achievements checker, calendar converter and an auction history viewer. More things are planned, so watch this space.

I also released a new iPad app recently – Glitch Inventory for the iPad.

Glitch Inventory for iPad

Glitch Inventory for iPad

It’s available on the App Store store right now. Work on an iPhone version is currently under way.

Finally, the last piece of Glitch news is that I’ve just finished a series of blog posts for Tiny Speck that describe the use of the Glitch API  on iOS. They cover a variety of topics such as authentication, avatar animation, and the building of a simple Glitch-based game, Glitch Run:

Glitch Run

Glitch Run

You can find all the posts over on the Glitch Developer Blog, and you can grab all the source code from my github page.

Well, that brings us pretty much up to date. I’ll try not to leave it so long next time…