A New Start

The old site was sad and neglected, so I’m starting afresh. This is a work in progress.

If this is all you can see, it means I’ve just started and haven’t got very far yet. Check back later.


5 responses to “A New Start”

  1. Paolo avatar

    Hi Dopiaza,
    I hope you’ll consider bringing back the Flickr set generator, it’s a fantastic tool and I miss it already!

    Ad Maiora,

    1. dopiaza avatar

      I’m not sure. It’s very old, hasn’t been maintained for years, and there have been various problems with it. Also, I don’t really use Flickr much these days.

      I’ll have a think about it, but I’m not promising anything.

      1. Paolo avatar

        thanks anyway and good work

  2. Wolfgang Wiehe avatar
    Wolfgang Wiehe

    I used the dopiaza set generator for flickr. But now it´s down, unfortunately. Do you work on a new solution?
    Cordial greetings

    1. dopiaza avatar

      I’m looking into it. It’s very old and needs an overhaul. It will probably come back, it just needs a little time.

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