• Low Power

    Low Power

    This is the latest post detailing my foray into building a small Raspberry Pi Pico/e-ink display. You can find the start of this journey here.

    I need to put the Pico into a low power mode in order maintain a decent battery life. Following on from my aborted attempt to build new MicroPython firmware that would enable the Pico to sleep, I stumbled upon a Power Control library that claims to allow you to various bits of the Pico’s hardware.

  • What Bin Is It? Recompiling MicroPython

    What Bin Is It? Recompiling MicroPython

    Spare time has been at a bit of a premium recently. Work has been keeping me especially busy just lately, and then the release of Civilization VII successfully stopped me getting anything else done for at least another weekend. All that meant that my little Pico/e-Ink project had to take a back seat for a little while. Now it’s time to get it moving again.

  • Flickr Set Manager

    Flickr Set Manager

    Due to popular demand, my Flickr Set Manager has now returned. Much of the code was written an awfully long time ago, so I’ve done some fairly significant restructuring behind the scenes. It seems to be mostly behaving itself, but if you notice any problems, then either comment below, or message me on Flickr.

    You can find the set manager here, and in the Goodies menu at the top of the page.

  • data: URI generator

    When I decided to reboot this site the other day, I wanted to make a clean slate and start afresh. I intentionally didn’t want to carry forward any baggage.

    It turns out that people still use my data: URI generator, so I’ve decided to re-instate it here. It’s 12 years old now, but still works just fine. I’ve done a little tidying up, and now it lives on.

    You can find it in the Goodies menu at the top of the page, or by clicking here.

  • What Bin Is It?

    What Bin Is It?

    I had a crazy idea recently. That, in itself, isn’t that unusual, what’s odd about this one is that I actually followed through with it. Here’s how it went: E-ink displays seem to be becoming pretty commonplace, and once set to display something require no power. Would it be possible to build something small enough to stick on the side of the fridge, that could display some useful information that updated periodically. For example, something that told me which bins I need to put out every Sunday. I need a smart fridge magnet. 

  • A New Start

    The old site was sad and neglected, so I’m starting afresh. This is a work in progress.

    If this is all you can see, it means I’ve just started and haven’t got very far yet. Check back later.