Monthly Archives: November 2011

Catching Up With Things

It seems to have been a busy year so far, and I’ve done a whole pile of things that I really should have written up here but never got around to. Most of the interesting ones are about the on-line MMO, Glitch, which I’ve been playing since alpha. It finally went live a couple of months ago, and is now fully open for business. The company behind the game is Tiny Speck, the founders of which were all core Flickr folk. If you haven’t tried Glitch yet, it’s well worth a look.

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Site Update

I’ve moved the site over to a new server, hopefully I managed to bring everything along intact. If anything appears to be broken, do let me know in the comments below.

As part of the move, I’ve upgraded my version of WordPress, and switched to the standard twentyeleven theme for now, just to keep life simple. I’ve been fairly lax in my posting habits again just lately, but there’s been an awful lot going on – I’ll post a general roundup later.